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Im heutigen Rechtspanorama thematisiert RAK Vize-Präsidentin Mag. Bettina Knoetzl die oft viel zu lange Verfahrensdauer in Wirtschaftsstrafsachen.
GRATA International
Международными договорами государств-членов Евразийского экономического союз
Dillon Eustace
The Supreme Court, in Delaney v The Personal Injuries Assessment Board, the Judicial Council, Ireland and the Attorney General [2024] IESC10, has upheld the legality...
William Fry
The Supreme Court in Delaney v The Personal Injuries Board & Ors, has confirmed the validity and continued operation of Personal Injury Guidelines (Guidelines)...
Dudkowiak Kopec & Putyra
Sometimes disputes cannot be resolved amicably, through mediation or negotiations and end up in the Courts of Poland.
The contractor's economic supporting documentation for work including ÄTA work carried out according to the prime cost principle was examined in a recent ruling by the Court of Appeal.
Aceris Law
Third-party funding has obtained a significant role in international arbitration by providing financial support to parties who may not have the means to pursue or defend a claim otherwise.
Sakar Law Office
Gerek devlet mahkemelerinde yargılama sürecinin uzun sürüyor olması gerekse de özellikle yabancılık unsuru olan ticari ilişkilerde, taraflardan birinin uyuşmazlığın diğer tarafın vatandaşı olduğu devletin mahkemelerinde çözülmesini arzu etmiyor olması;...
Duyurumuz, 18/04/2024 tarihinde Resmî Gazete'de yayımlanan Anayasa Mahkemesi'nin 14/03/2024 tarihli, 2023/160 Esas ve 2024/77 Karar sayılı kararına ilişkindir.
Teyitli çek ne 6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu ne de 5941 sayılı Çek Kanunu kapsamında düzenlenmiş olup uygulamada çeke duyulan güvenin artırılması ve çek kullanımının...
Mustafa Tirtir Law Firm
5237 sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunu'nun 22. maddesinin 3. fıkrasında hem taksirin tanımı yapılmış hem de taksirin bilinçli taksir boyutunda olması halinde cezanın artırılacağı düzenlenmiştir:
Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP
Judicial review is a distinctive type of litigation, which is grounded in the principles of fair and rational decision-making, the public interest, and upholding the rule of law.
Gatehouse Chambers
Dispute Resolution analysis: The Managing Judges of the large GLO NOx emissions litigation have dismissed applications seeking the protection of documents used in open Court...
Osborne Clarke
When the Civil Procedure Rule provisions on contempt were entirely replaced in 2020 by a simplified and reduced rule (Part 81), one of the changes was the removal...
Norton Rose Fulbright Hong Kong
The Litigation Funding Agreements (Enforceability) Bill continued its journey through the Lords on Tuesday with its Second Reading.
Gorvins Solicitors
This is the time of year that many people start to think about booking a holiday and Cruises are more popular than ever.
Osborne Clarke
During lockdown, the English courts adapted well to fully remote hearings. However, we may be starting to see a return to in-person hearings as the default position...
Osborne Clarke
The rules for incorporating terms and conditions into a contract pre-date the digital area. Broadly, Ts and Cs do not have to be read by the other side: they just need to be aware...
Gatehouse Chambers
The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal in Durnont Enterprises Ltd v Fazita Investment Ltd [2024] EWCA Civ 299 against the refusal of permission to continue a derivative action against the sixth...
Gowling WLG
Welcome to 'The Libel Bible' – a six-part article series on all things defamation. In this comprehensive series, we delve into the complexities of defamation and the law that surrounds it in the UK.
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