KPMG comments on the Dutch anti-abuse legislation regarding immovable property.

This is contribution number 29 by KPMG Meijburg & Co regarding the Dutch anti-abuse legislation regarding immovable property.

The proposed Dutch anti-abuse legislation regarding immovable property will most probably take effect from 1 January 1996. This important proposal may have crucial consequences for any company (intending to be) involved in the planning, building, buying, selling or leasing of Dutch immovable property, for both VAT and transfer tax purposes. The proposal is intended to stop avoidance of transfer tax through the sale of beneficial ownership, and avoidance of VAT through a taxable sale or lease to end-users. The proposal is much to complex to explain in further details in this summary. It is recommended that any company involved in (some of) the mentioned activities has a specialist check the existing situation or the intended activities for possible tax risks, especially since to a large extent the legislation will actually take effect from 31 March 1995.

This message is most likely to be relevant for any company (intending to be) involved in the planning, building, buying, selling or leasing of Dutch immovable property, for both VAT and transfer tax purposes

Further information can be obtained from mr Alfred GM Groenen, MCL, KPMG Meijburg & Co, Amsterdam (Netherlands); fax 31 (20) 656 1247

Keywords: Netherlands / Dutch / Europe / EC / EU / European Union / KPMG Meijburg & Co / inward investments / MNE / VAT / Transfer tax / immovable property

Note: The content of this contribution is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.