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Latin America
Tauil & Chequer
Our team has prepared a summary on the main business opportunities in Brazilian ports.
Koury Lopes Advogados
Etapa final de contribuições vai até o dia 12 de abril, os interessados poderão revisar a primeira minuta do documento, elaborado em parceria pelo TCU e outros...
Tauil & Chequer
On April 5, 2024, the Brazilian Supreme Court, ruling on a Constitutional Complaint, ratified the imperative of Article 97 of the Federal Constitution and Binding Precedent 10...
Koury Lopes Advogados
Reportagem sobre repasse de verbas à Codevasf mostra que políticos escolhiam empresas para receber emendas; para especialistas, isso configuraria indício de ilegalidade...
Tauil & Chequer
Novo decreto estabelece regras que deverão ser observadas para o enquadramento de projetos como prioritários...
Koury Lopes Advogados
BACEN replica para 2024 as regras de transição das entregas periódicas de capital estrangeiro no Brasil; confira as declarações requeridas este ano
Koury Lopes Advogados
Since the implementation of Law No. 14.286/2021, known as the New Foreign Exchange Legal Framework, the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN) has issued several resolutions to regulate...
Tauil & Chequer
On December 14, the National Congress of Brazil overrode most of the presidential vetoes to Federal Law No. 14.701/2023 (the "Time Limit Act"), which regulates Article 231...
Tauil & Chequer
On November 10, 2023, the Brazil Federal Government published Federal Decree No. 11,772/2023, establishing an interministerial working group to draft a proposal of a National Policy on Business and Human Rights.
Elias Matias Advogados
Em voto extremamente relevante para dirimir as disputas judiciais relativas às execuções das garantias de alienação fiduciária sobre imóveis, no julgamento do RE 860361/SP, relacionado ao tema 982...
Koury Lopes Advogados
O prefeito de São Paulo sancionou, no dia 7, a Lei 18.020/2023, que inclui no calendário do município o Dia do Combate ao Antissemitismo e Fascismo...
Acedo Santamarina
On March 26, 2024, a decree was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation amending, adding, and repealing several provisions of the General Law of Negotiable Instruments and Credit Transactions ("GLCIT")...
Chevez Ruiz Zamarripa
The Mexican legal system is based on civil law. Its supreme law, the Constitution enacted in 1917, forms the foundation of its legal framework.
Chevez Ruiz Zamarripa
Additionally, certain states provide within their local Criminal Codes a specific prohibition and sanctions for money laundering.
Chevez Ruiz Zamarripa
Este artículo nos invita a analizar y flexionar sobre el poder y la influencia del liderazgo femenino en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, ...
Chevez Ruiz Zamarripa
We share with you that our partner Diego Marván Mas and associate Héctor Valenzuela Salcedo were involved in the development of the Latin Lawyer guide...
Chevez Ruiz Zamarripa
¡Conoce el poder que tienen las palabras en el ejercicio de liderazgo! Te invitamos a consultar el artículo escrito por nuestro socio Alfonso García Campos y nuestra abogada Alina Hernández Lacroix en conjunto con Abogadas MX.
Castillo Castro
Para Del Castillo y Castro, el talento femenino es una fuente de innovación y una ventaja competitiva, así como una forma de hacer de la firma un entorno inclusivo que valore las diferencias y en el que todas las voces sean respetadas y escuchadas.
Derived from political differences between the Executive and Judicial Branches of our country, the unions of the Judicial Branch of the Federation decided to carry out a national strike...
The Dominican Republic's government-paid paternity leave was struck down as unconstitutional, with efforts continuing to move toward gender equality in paid parental leave.
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