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Baysal & Demir
Bir önceki paketin yasalaşmasından bir yıl sonra, 8 Yargı Paketi de 12 Mart 2024 tarihinde Resmî Gazetede yayımlanarak yasalaşmıştır.
Baysal & Demir
One year after the enactment of the previous package, the 8th Judicial Package was published in the Official Gazette on March 12, 2024.
Balcioglu Selçuk Ardiyok Keki Attorney Partnership
Türkiye has emerged as a significant player in the global cryptocurrency scene, with a rapidly growing number of adopters and investors.
Esin Attorney Partnership
With its decision numbered 2020/73, and dated October 26, 2023, the Constitutional Court of Türkiye ("Constitutional Court") decided to revoke a recent amendment of Article 28 of the Code...
Kilinc Law & Consulting
Administrative law is defined as the whole of the legal rules that go beyond the private law rules regulating the administrative organ and function, and it is a branch of law that takes...
Miran Legal
One of the leading principles of the "Right to a fair trial" is reasonable time. In trials that are not concluded within a reasonable period of time and continue for years...
27.01.2024 tarihli ve 32442 sayılı Resmî Gazete'de yayımlanan Damga Vergisi Kanunu Genel Tebliği (Seri No: 69) ile, 27/12/2023 tarihli ve 7491 sayılı...
Miran Legal
One of the leading principles of the "Right to a fair trial" is reasonable time.
Miran Legal
"Adil yargılanma hakkının" başta gelen ilkelerinden biri de makul süredir.
Balcioglu Selçuk Ardiyok Keki Attorney Partnership
Turkish Constitutional Court published the statistics on the individual applications made by the persons who claimed that their fundamental rights and freedoms were violated, and the constitutionality review applications made based on ...
Cebeci & Bayram
Opening a branch office in Turkey is a great way for foreign investors – to start a business in Turkey. Rather than setting up a new company. Business owners may decide to promote...
Kilinc Law & Consulting
In order to diversify the national economy and integrate it with the global economy, Saudi Arabia is undertaking comprehensive structural reforms to attract foreign capital under the Saudi Vision 2030 program.
ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law
The transparency of court proceedings is commonly defined as the accessibility of court activities to the general public unless specified otherwise by law.
Esin Attorney Partnership
In its decision No. E. 2023/105 K. 2023/208 dated 30 November 2023 ("Constitutional Court Decision" or "Decision"), the Constitutional Court of the Republic...
Esin Attorney Partnership
Anayasa Mahkemesi ("AYM"), 30 Kasım 2023 tarih ve E. 2023/105 K. 2023/208 sayılı kararı ("AYM Kararı" veya "Karar") ile 2021 yılı için enflasyon düzeltmesi yapılmayacağına yönelik...
Trabzon 2. Asliye Ceza Mahkemesi, Anayasa Mahkemesi'ne başvurarak, 5271 sayılı Ceza Muhakemesi Kanunu ("CMK")'nın 273. maddesinin 1 numaralı fıkrasının...
Sakar Law Office
The principle of freedom of contract, which has been adopted in modern legal systems, states that the content of the agreement may be freely determined by the parties, provided that it remains within the limits set by the law.
Sakar Law Office
Modern hukuk sistemlerinde benimsenmiş olan sözleşme serbestisi ilkesi, sözleşmenin içeriğinin, kanunda belirlenen sınırlar içerisinde kalmak kaydıyla taraflarca özgürce belirlenebileceğini ifade etmektedir.
Sakar Law Office
Yabancı yatırımcıların Türkiye'ye yatırım yapmalarını desteklemek günümüzde büyük önem arz etmektedir.
Sakar Law Office
Many regulations are introduced in order to encourage foreign investors to invest in Türkiye, and one of the regulations to encourage foreign investors to invest in Türkiye is the establishment of a liaison office.
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