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Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Rahman Ravelli Solicitors
Syed Rahman of financial crime specialists Rahman Ravelli considers the scale of the problem.
GRATA International
Under the concept of criminal misdemeanor will fall 7 elements of crimes of minor gravity, encroaching on property, including theft and fraud without aggravating circumstances.
IP enforcement in key global markets is increasingly complex. What's the legal theory? What's the reality in practice?
GRATA International
Для субъектов предпринимательской деятельности ведение документооборота в эле
Von staatlicher Seite wird vor allem bei der Bestechung inländischer Amtsträger durchgegriffen.
Anti-bribery enforcement by Russian agencies significantly differs from that of their foreign counterparts.
Ius Laboris
This article gives details of new guidance on anti-corruption measures for organisations, particularly in relation to employment matters.
Herbert Smith Freehills
In the last few years, and in 2018-19 especially, we have noted a very important trend in enforcement related to the use of OCC Charges.
GRATA International
In June this year, the plenum of the Supreme court of the Russian Federation discussed the draft resolution on tax crimes.
GRATA International
The Review On The Resolution Of The Plenum Of The Supreme Court Of Russian Federation On November 26, 2019 N 48 "On The Practice Of Application By The Courts Of The Legislation On ...
GRATA International
Обзор Постановления Пленума Верховного Суда РФ От 26 Ноября 2019 Г. N 48 "О Практике Примененl
The Federal Law No. 273 On Fighting Corruption (2008, the Anticorruption Law) is the principal law on bribery in Russia. However, to date relevant legislation is not consolidated, so applicable...
26 ноября 2019 года Пленум ...
Bis zum Ende der Frühjahrssitzungsperiode am 28. Juli 2019 wurden drei neue Gesetzesentwürfe zu Gegenmaßnahmen zu den Russlandsanktionen in die Staatsduma eingebracht.
Legal entities which, directly or indirectly, control or are controlled by the above legal entities.
Squire Patton Boggs LLP
Anti-corruption has been a hot topic in Russia for some time.
Am 21. März 2019 hat die russische Generalstaatsanwaltschaft die Zahlen zur Verfolgung von Unternehmen für Korruptionsdelikte in 2018 veröffentlicht.
On 21 March 2019, the Russian general prosecutor's office published the corporate bribery enforcement statistics for 2018.
Ermittlungsverfahren von US-amerikanischen und europäischen Strafverfolgungsbehörden sowie der Weltbank haben den Blick auf von internationalen Unternehmen in Russland und anderen ehemaligen Sowjetrepubliken, ...
Enforcement actions by U.S. and European enforcement agencies as well as the World Bank have drawn attention to bribery offences committed by multinational companies in Russia and other former Soviet republics, in particular in Central Asia.
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