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Andersen in Egypt
In the landscape of Egyptian employment law, the distinction between employees and independent contractors is both pivotal and nuanced.
Youssry Saleh & Partners
Water parks and swimming pools are well-liked recreational facilities that offer a refreshing escape from Egypt's scorching temperatures...
Soliman Hashish & Partners
In light of the decision issued by the Supreme Council of Wages in October 2023, the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development...
Andersen in Egypt
لقد أدى تزايد العولمة والتوسع التكنولوجي إلى عصر تستكشف فيه الشركات باستمرار الأس
Andersen in Egypt
The surge in globalization and technological expansion has ushered in an era where businesses are continually exploring optimal methods to bolster efficiency while curbing expenses.
Shehata & Partners
Labour and Employment Comparative Guide for the jurisdiction of Egypt, check out our comparative guides section to compare across multiple countries
Youssry Saleh & Partners
The Egyptian Labor Law No. 12 of 2003 is primarily in charge of regulating employment matters. Nearly all employment arrangements in Egypt, whether the employer is an Egyptian person or business...
Soliman Hashish & Partners
The National Wages Council issued a decision in its meeting dated December 28th, 2022, to increase the minimum wage of employees of the private sector to EGP 2700 (approximately USD...
Youssry Saleh & Partners
Social protection systems are institutionalized mechanisms that help individuals to manage social risks or to cushion their impact once they occur and it is an important component of the...
Sadany & Khalifa Law Firm
Do you want to work in Egypt? Do you know how to obtain a work permit in Egypt? In this article, we will mention in detail how to get a work permit in Egypt.
Andersen in Egypt
...الإجازةالسنوية حق لا يجوز لجهة العمل أن تحجبها عن عامل
Andersen in Egypt
Annual leave is a principal right of the employee which the employer is not entitled to withhold. Otherwise, this shall constitute an assault on the employee's physical and mental health.
Sadany & Khalifa Law Firm
In this overview, we will discuss the main provisions of the Labor Law in Egypt and will focus on the following topics...
Soliman Hashish & Partners
The Egyptian Employment Law issued by Law No. 12 of 2003, as amended (the "Employment Law" or the "Law"), enforced as of the 8th of July, 2003 is the General Law which stipulates and organizes the relation between any employer and his employees.
Andersen in Egypt
يمثل نظام التأمين الاجتماعى دور كبير وهام فى حياة كل افراد المجتمع، وتكمن اهميته فى &#
Andersen in Egypt
Social insurance plays an essential role for all members of society, with its importance lying in the provision of financial security to individuals, pensioners and their families...
Andersen in Egypt
تعترف دول العالم بقدرة الاشخاص ذوى الاعاقة، وقوة تأثيرهم فى سوق العمل، حيث يشكل است&#
Andersen in Egypt
There are multiple economic benefits to hiring individuals with disabilities since this essentially widens the workforce and diversifies the national labour market.
Andersen in Egypt
منذ إنشاء أوبر، ظهرت العديد من الأسئلة القانونية...
Andersen in Egypt
Since the inception of Uber, numerous legal questions have arisen with regards to the relationship between the company and its drivers, and whether they can be classified as "employees",...
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