Divorce, while commonly associated with younger couples, is not exclusive to them. In Singapore, as in many parts of the world, there's a rising phenomenon often called "Empty Nest" divorce.

This term denotes couples who separate or divorce after their children have grown up and left home.

This transitional phase, marked by profound changes in routine and identity, often leads to emotional turbulence and uncertainty. In such times of upheaval, individuals turn to various sources of guidance, one of which is tarot readings.

Tarot readings provide a unique perspective, offering insights into the complexities of relationships and the emotional journey of divorce. By delving into the symbolism of the cards, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their feelings and motivations, enabling them to cope with the challenges of separation more effectively. Tarot readings, in their profound introspective nature, offer solace and guidance, empowering individuals to navigate the more challenging aspects of divorce with resilience and self-discovery. The cards act as mirrors, reflecting hidden thoughts and emotions, allowing individuals to confront their fears and hopes.

This article delves into the dynamics of such divorces, why they occur, and the implications for the parties involved.

Understanding the 'Empty Nest' Phenomenon

After decades of marriage, many couples reevaluate their relationships once the immediate responsibility of child-rearing is over. The term 'Empty Nest' symbolises the home after children, having grown, fly the coop, leaving parents to confront their relationship without the daily distractions of parenting.

Why Does Empty Nest Divorce Happen?

Rediscovery of Self and Relationship: With children out of the picture, couples often come to a realization. They might discover they have grown apart or no longer share common goals or interests. Without the unifying factor of children, latent issues can come to the fore.

Evolving Societal Norms: With its traditional values, Singapore often emphasises the idea of staying together for the children. However, with evolving societal norms and increased life expectancy, many feel they have a significant phase of life ahead and seek happiness outside of an unsatisfying marriage.

Financial Independence: Especially for older women, gaining financial independence and confidence can play a role. No longer financially reliant on their spouse, and with the belief that age and experience bring, they feel equipped to make decisions that prioritise their well-being.

Legal Implications

Singapore's legal system accommodates the intricacies of such divorces. Mental cruelty, feeling abandoned or unloved, is recognised as a legitimate fact for divorce. The division of assets, spousal maintenance, and even matters of inheritance can come into play, given the typically longer duration of the marriage.

Seeking Support and Moving Forward

For those considering or going through an empty nest divorce, it is essential to remember that seeking support is crucial. Whether it is legal guidance, counselling, or simply confiding in loved ones, ensuring emotional and financial well-being is vital.

How GJC Can Help

Navigating the unique challenges of an Empty Nest Divorce requires a blend of empathy, understanding, and expert legal knowledge. At GJC Law, we prioritise a holistic approach to each case, recognising that every relationship has its distinct history and nuances.

Our dedicated lawyers are committed to genuinely understanding the individual dynamics of each client's situation, ensuring they feel valued and heard throughout the process."

Issues like asset division and spousal maintenance are handled precisely, ensuring our clients receive a fair outcome. Our primary goal is to safeguard our client's interests, which means diligently upholding their rights concerning assets, spousal support, or any other concern.


Empty nest divorce, while marking the end of a marital chapter, can also denote the beginning of personal rediscovery. While society is still coming to terms with this rising trend, it's essential to prioritise individual happiness and mental well-being, regardless of age or societal expectations.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.