On October 22, 2015 Gorodissky & Partners held its Webinar "New Russian Anti-Piracy Law: Is it Really Viable and Effective?" dedicated to the effectuation and recent trends of the Russian Anti-Piracy Law and other legal aspects aimed at IP/copyright enforcement on the Internet.

Sergey Medvedev, PhD., LLM, Senior lawyer, Gorodissky & Partners (Moscow) highlighted two very important topics during the webinar: (i) extension of the scope of application of the new law over all copyrighted works, except for photographs, and (ii) permanent blockage of illegal content, which confirm that nowadays the Russian Anti-Piracy Law is a strong "weapon" for fighting against Internet pirates. The webinar also referred to the latest case law and respective court practice in the anti-piracy area.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.