In the 35 Final Written Decisions issued by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board in July, the Board cancelled 412 (72.41%) of the instituted claims and declined to cancel 157 (27.59%) of the instituted claims. Patent owners did not concede any instituted claims through motions to amend or disclaimer.

On a per-case basis, no instituted or substitute claims survived in 25 (71.43%) of the decisions, all instituted claims survived in 6 (17.14%) of the decisions, and a mixed outcome occurred in 4 (11.43%) of the decisions. A mixed outcome occurs where at least one instituted or substitute claim remains patentable, and at least one is cancelled, in a Final Written Decision.

The overall cumulative instituted claim survival rate, broken down by technology center, is as follows:

The following resources are also available on the AIA Blog:

Various other PTAB metrics collected and generated by Finnegan are reserved for the use of Finnegan and its clients.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.