On October 4, 2018, the Global Foreign Exchange Committee published an update on the ongoing work of its four priority working groups: (i) the cover and deal working group; (ii) the disclosures working group; (iii) the buy-side outreach working group; and (iv) the working group on embedding the FX Global Code. The GFXC was established in 2017 as a forum for participants in the wholesale foreign exchange markets and its terms of reference include addressing misconduct in FX markets by facilitating adoption of the global principles of good practice enshrined in the FX Global Code.

The update refers to the recent launch (on September 28, 2018) of a survey by the working group on embedding the FX Global Code. Completed surveys are requested by October 19, 2018. The aims of the survey are to measure awareness and adoption of the FX Global Code among market participants and to inform the GFXC's further work on embedding and integrating the code into the global FX markets. The survey results will be considered at the GFXC's next meeting, which will be held in November.

The survey is available at: https://www.globalfxc.org/docs/2018_gfxc_survey.pdf  and the press release is  available at: https://www.globalfxc.org/press/p181004.htm.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.