• DOs and DON’Ts

- DO use terms according to their ordinary dictionary meanings

- DO use terms where those terms are the only reasonable way to describe your goods or services

- DO display your own mark as a source identifier alongside descriptive phrase containing another’s mark

- DON’T distinguish terms from the surrounding text, such as by using a different font, type size or style

- DON’T use the terms with any form of trademark notice (e.g., ® or™ )

- DON’T use the terms as an attention-getting symbol in part of an advertising slogan

- DON’T use the terms in any manner that might be likely to cause confusion among consumer

• Examples: Use of the Word “Apple”

- Fair use: Please enjoy our BETTER THAN GRANDMA’S™ apple pie!

- NOT fair use: Be the first to try our new APPLE™ MP3 player! (unless you are working for Apple Computer to promote the new iPod)

To find out more please access our IP Primer page.