


二审法院经审理认为: 首先,关于被诉侵权商品与涉案商标核定使用的商品属于相同或类似商品。其次,对于国内相关公众而言,涉案商标起主要识别和认读作用的部分是中文"米家",被诉侵权标识与涉案商标主要识别部分在字形、含义、读音上完全相同,两者在构成要素上近似。再次,关于混淆的可能性, 小米通讯公司在相同或类似商品上使用了与联安公司涉案"MIKA米家"商标相近似的"米家"标识,容易引起相关公众的混淆,构成对联安公司涉案注册商标专用权的侵害。



Appeal Court Confirms Xiaomi's infringement of MIKA Trademark

The Zhejiang Higher People's Court, upholding the decision of the Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court, has held that Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd (Xiaomi Communications) and Xiaomi Inc infringed Hangzhou Lian'an Security Engineering Co., Ltd's (Hangzhou Lian'an) exclusive right to the 'Mika米家' trademark (No. 10054096).  (See here for a note on the Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court decision)

The Zhejiang Higher People's Court held: (1) the products in relation to which the Xiaomi companies used the allegedly infringing mark were identical or similar to the goods in respect of which Hangzhou Lian'an's trademark was registered. (2) The relevant consumers would recognise the distinctive part of Xiaomi's  trademark as the Chinese characters '米家' (Mi Jia); in addition, the font, meaning, pronunciation and constituent elements of the mark were identical or similar to the main part of Hangzhou Lian'an's registered trademark; and  (3) the mark being used by Xiaomi was, therefore, likely to cause confusion among the relevant public and constituted an infringement of Hangzhou Lian'an's exclusive trademark rights.

Further, the likelihood of confusion was compounded by the manner in which Xiaomi was using its '米家' (Mi Jia) trademark i.e. on the products themselves and their outer packaging, and in sales materials: such use would lead consumers to believe that Xiaomi Inc was the source of the products, and Xiaomi Communications the manufacturer. The two Xiaomi companies had cooperated in their use of the trademark and were, therefore, jointly liable for trademark infringement.

The Court ordered Xiaomi Communications and Xiaomi Inc. to cease the infringement, and ordered Xiaomi Communications to pay the Plaintiff CNY 3,000,000 (approx. US$ 463,000) as compensation for economic loss and CNY 103,767 (approx. US$16,000) for reasonable expenses, in total CNY 3,103,767 (approx. US$480,000).  The defendant Xiaomi Inc. was jointly and severally liable.





Siemens Industry Software (Shanghai) Co, Ltd Succeeds on Appeal in Copyright Infringement Action against Guangzhou Wofu Mold Co.,Ltd. Damages Increased for Failure to Comply with Preservation Order

Siemens Industrial Software (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Siemens) brought a copyright infringement action against Guangzhou Wofu Mold Co., Ltd. (Wofu) alleging that it was using software that infringed the copyright in the Siemens NX series software.  It sought compensation of CNY 2.7 million (approx. US$415,000) and applied for a preservation order. 

 The Court of First Instance ruled that Wofu had infringed Siemens' copyright, and  granted a preservation order.  It ordered Wofu to cease the infringement immediately and pay compensation of CNY 500,000 (approx. US$76,500) for economic loss and CNY 100,000 (approx. US$15,300) for reasonable expenses. Both parties appealed to the Supreme People's Court. 

On appeal, the IP Court of the Supreme People's Court upheld the infringement decision.  Further, it noted that even after the Court of First Instance had explained that failure to abide by the preservation order would have adverse consequences, Wofu had gone ahead and taken steps to avoid the order. As some of the preserved computers had the relevant software installed, it could be presumed that the computers that had not been preserved would also have had the software installed.  This, together with Wofu's obstructive behaviour, should be considered when making the decision on infringement compensation.

The Court approved Siemens's claim for damages, calculated on the basis of the price of genuine software and the number of copies of infringing software and ordered Wofu to pay compensation of CNY 2,612,827 (approx. US$400,000)for economic loss and CNY 100,000 (approx. US$15,300)for reasonable expenses.

电子地图侵权纠纷案一审审结,法院判令百度赔偿 6500余万元





Baidu Ordered to Pay Compensation of CNY 65 Million (approx. US$10,000,000) to Navinfo in First Electronic Map Infringement Case

NavInfo Co.,Ltd. (NavInfo), a leading Chinese provider of electronic maps and related technology, discovered that several Baidu companies - Beijing Baidu Netcom Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. (Baidu Netcom), Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co.,Ltd. (Baidu online company) and Baidu Cloud Computing Technology (Beijing) Co.,Ltd. (Baidu cloud computing company) - were continuing to provide the Navinfo e-maps to the public via Baidu map, Baidu Carlife and Baidu navigation, even though a licence agreement between the parties had expired in 2017.  NavInfo commenced an action for copyright infringement and unfair competition in the Beijing Intellectual Property Court.

The Court held that: (1), the electronic maps met the Copyright Law originality requirement and were capable of copyright protection; (2)  the Baidu companies use of the maps without permission infringed Navinfo's copyright; and (3) because the alleged unfair competition involved the same behaviour as the copyright infringement, it was not necessary to consider the unfair competition claim.

The Court ordered the Defendants to cease the infringement immediately and held them jointly liable to compensate NavInfo for economic loss and reasonable expenses, in the sum of CNY 65,426,597.5 (approx. US$10,000,000).

The decision has not been appealed.




法院经审理认为:首先,涉案商标"Schneider Electric文字及图" "施耐德"具备很高的市场知名度,为广大消费者所熟知,具有被认定为驰名商标的事实基础和认定驰名商标的必要性。被控侵权标识指定使用的电梯、扶梯等商品与涉案商标据以驰名的断路器、开关等商品在功能用途、销售渠道等方面存在较强关联和一定重合,容易让公众对商品的来源产生混淆或误认,因此有必要对原告商标进行跨类保护。其次,施耐德电梯公司将"施耐德"作为其企业名称中的字号并在经营中使用,同时使用与"Schneider Electric"近似的域名,属于擅自使用他人的企业名称和驰名商标,足以使相关公众产生混淆,扰乱了正常的社会经济秩序,损害了施耐德电气公司的合法权益,因此构成不正当竞争。最后,施耐德电梯公司侵权时间长达10年,侵权故意明显,侵权情节严重,应依法对其适用惩罚性赔偿。



Punitive damages awarded in trademark infringement and unfair competition action brought by Schneider Electric in the Jiangsu Suzhou Intermediate People's Court.  Both parties appeal

Schneider Electric SA (Schneider Electric), a well-known European multinational company providing a range of energy and automation digital solutions, discovered that a Chinese company established in 2010, Suzhou Schneider Elevator CO.,LTD.( Schneider elevator company), was using a logo identical with or similar to its registered trademark, and the name 'Schneider' in its domain name.


The Court held that: (1) the cited trademark 'Schneider' and the equivalent Chinese characters "施耐德"are well known by consumers.  The mark can and should be recognized as a well-known trademark and given cross-class protection. In any event, the Defendant's goods, in relation to which it is using the logo, are closely related to Schneider Electric's well-known circuit breakers and switches in terms of function, use, and distribution channels.  It is, therefore, likely that members of the relevant public will be confused as to the origin of the goods;  (2) Schneider elevator company adopted the Chinese characters '施耐德' as its enterprise name and used it in its daily operation, as well as in its domain name.  This is likely to confuse the relevant public, disturb the normal social and economic order, and damage the legitimate rights and interests of Schneider Electric, and amounts to unfair competition; and (3) considering Schneider elevator company had been infringing for 10 years, its intention to infringe was obvious, and the infringement circumstances serious, an award of punitive damages was appropriate. 

Accordingly, the Court ordered Schneider elevator company to cease the infringement and unfair competition immediately, and pay compensation of CNY 40 million (approx. US$6,000,000) for economic loss and reasonable expenses .

Both parties have appealed to Jiangsu Higher People's Court.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.