The Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance released a report today on worldwide advertising law developments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The report covers regulatory, self-regulatory, legislative, and other developments related to COVID-19 in more than fifty countries. 

Some of the developments that were reported in many countries include: 

  • Increased regulatory and self-regulatory enforcement;
  • New restrictions on advertising certain products during the pandemic; 
  • New guidance from regulators and self-regulatory authorities; and
  • Concerns about health-related claims, price gouging, and aggressive marketing.

For example, in China, the State Administration for Market Regulation fined several advertisers for making false claims that their products could protect against COVID-19.  In Sweden, the Swedish Consumer Agency challenged an influencer's marketing claims that fish oil could provide protection against COVID-19.  In South Africa, the sale of alcohol was prohibited during the pandemic.  And, in Peru, the Peruvian Unfair Competition Office has initiated more than three hundred investigations related to COVID-19 claims. 

A copy of the report is available here

Originally published by GALA, on June 2020

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