Gluckstein Lawyers' 3rd Annual Holiday Giving Campaign: Providing Hope to Families During the Holidays

At Gluckstein Lawyers, we are proud of the work we do with our clients and the community. The pandemic is of great concern, and we know hospitals were extremely busy when COVID-19 first struck and could be more so during the second wave. For that reason, during this holiday season, we are excited to announce our 3rd Annual Holiday Giving Campaign.

This year we are partnering with the Canadian Premature Babies' Foundation (CPBF) COVIDCare program. Having a baby can be an overwhelming experience for first-time parents. It is even more frightening and exhausting having a baby in the NICU. With the cancellation of all in-unit support groups and programs across the country due to COVID-19, there is an extra layer of fear and isolation for premature babies' parents.

COVIDCare is virtual mental health help for parents of premature babies. It is a free online program for individual therapy for families currently in the NICU or those recently discharged (up to 12 months). Families who qualify will receive two online 45-minute therapy sessions conducted by mental health professionals, including clinical psychologists and perinatal mental health specialists.

Additionally, CPBF is building a library of content for families and has experts available to ask questions quickly. For more information, please visit

At Gluckstein Lawyers, our goal is to make a positive difference in the lives of our clients. We hope you will join us this holiday season in the spirit of giving back and support this program alongside us.

We wish everyone a safe, healthy and happy holiday season.