Eps 7


This week, Dr Justine Scerri Herrera is joined by Jason Meyers for this episode on CEXs & Proof of Reserves (POSs).

Mr Meyers is Lead Architect and inventor of the Decentralized Continuous Audit & Reporting Protocol Ecosystem.

He has broad-based investment banking and venture capital experience. Having served for 30 years on the sell-buy-issuer side, Mr Meyers brings a significant amount of real-world use case and business experience to the Blockchain space.

After the collapse of FTX we saw a knee jerk reaction from many exchanges. In fact, some exchanges posted their proof of reserves (POSs). But can the wallet snapshots that were circulated count as POSs? What accounting and auditing measures are used in these POSs? Dr Scerri Herrera and Mr Meyers discuss this in this week's episode.

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The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.