There's a scene in the 1931 film "Frankenstein" that conjures an easy image – an angry mob of people storm the castle of Dr Frankenstein armed with pitchforks. Nearly a century later we the people still have the same mentality, we just prefer to do it online. In 2013, a Nova Scotia woman, convicted several times under the Animal Protection Act over more than a decade, became the focus of online anger. Someone developed a Facebook page, using her name prominently committed to harassing her. People posted angry comments toward her, someone suggested she should be beat to a pulp, and others suggested she should be shot. But harassment is also a crime in the Criminal code. Ruling on this case was finally handed down a few months ago. In this episode, vigilante harassment? Or vigilante justice?Read Stephen's blog on this case Gardiner Roberts website Email Gavin Tighe Email Stephen Thiele

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