Hurricane Harvey leaves a legacy of unprecedented legal and business challenges. Morgan Lewis has developed a series of client alerts designed to provide guidance on the complex legal and business implications of Hurricane Harvey. Our most recent alerts include the following:

LawFlash: Hurricane Harvey Client Alert: How Employers and Employees Can Help Those in Need

LawFlash: Hurricane Harvey Client Alert: Insurance Considerations

LawFlash: Hurricane Harvey Client Alert: FCC Assistance to Affected Communications Networks Post-Hurricane Harvey

LawFlash: Hurricane Harvey Client Alert: Tax Filing and Payment Deadlines Extended for Victims

ML BeneBits: Hurricane Harvey Client Alert: DOL Provides Health Plan Relief for Hurricane Harvey Victims

ML BeneBits: Hurricane Harvey Client Alert: IRS, DOL, and PBGC Hurricane Harvey Relief

Check back often as our Hurricane Recovery Resource Page will be updated with analyses of developments as they unfold over the coming months.

This article is provided as a general informational service and it should not be construed as imparting legal advice on any specific matter.